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Reece @R0botSqu1d

Age 20, Non-Binary

United States

Joined on 1/12/18

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Vacation Posting

Posted by R0botSqu1d - August 10th, 2024

I often see people show off places theyve been in news posts so I thought I'd give it a try! So recently I went to visit my sister who lives in Louisville and honestly it was so beautiful there. I wish I got to experience the nature more but there was a walking trail that I skated over that lead to this gorgeous view of the Ohio River



Afterwards my sister informed me she had a really cool surprise for me, and after driving half an hour we stopped at the mall where she instructed me to "buy some really cool clothes", so naturally I bought jeans with big skulls on them. Afterwards we drove another hour and a half deep into Kentucky until we arrived in this big stadium, still having no idea what it was for we went in


Evidently it was a concert for Blink-182, which I was ecstatic for considering they've been one of my favorite bands for years! It was also really cool because my sister had seen them live about 3 or 4 times before and I had always expressed how awesome it must've been to see them when they first started blowing up. After a few opening bands and my sister having to have 7 people stand up so she could use the bathroom at least 4 times (she found the cash bar) Blink-182 took the stage! They blew me away, hearing all the songs live in a stadium packed with speakers was insane!! The side banter on stage was hilarious, which had humor that was perfectly matched to the beanie I bought from the merch booth that reads "your mom". The megatron had graphics over the live footage the entire time which was also just going to show how polished the performance was. Eventually the pyrotechnics kicked off, fireworks popping off on top, confetti and streamer cannons raining down over the stage, and vents on the actual stage that shot out fire. It was incredibly sick to see, expecially as a surprise. After several hours of having our minds blown song after song, we stumbled out into the street, and outside we found a Blink-182 themed halfpipe for photo ops, and obviously I had to take some pictures there



Being tired, sore, and sweaty, we embarked on a journey to find something to eat. The parking garage was a nightmare so we left off on foot where we found a bodega which even at midnight, had an open kitchen. Naturally we left with soda and pizza that we ate in the parking garage which has since emptied out. We then drove the 2 hours home, blasting Blink and talking about how sick the show was and what the shows she went to 2 decades ago were like.

Overall the trip there was both very relaxing and incredibly fun and for those considering visiting Louisville or even Kentucky as a whole, I highly recommend it as the nature alone is gorgeous



I've been down South before - never been to Kentucky, but I've considered it for that horse race they do every year. Hope the horses are treated very well. I will say, I do like the South for two things and two things only. Chicken and waffles, and biscuits and gravy. Both that shit hits SO HARD down south. I tend to like going to Virginia often for the beach. I also like shrimp and grits. Tons of good food down south, though not the healthiest.

Kentucky has a lot of cool nature, and Louisville has a lot to see and do (it's where I spend the majority of my time there so it's what I have the most perspective on) so if you are ever able to I would highly recommend it! From what I've heard the horses are treated well, but I've only actually seen the derby on TV, the traffic during it can get so bad it's impossible to cross any of the bridges actually. There are a myriad for chicken and waffle places in Kentucky, and they are absolutely amazing, I never had it before going to Kentucky, but it quickly became one of my favorite foods to have down there. I'll have to try shrimp and grits one of these days, the pictures of it look incredibly delicious!