Im a landline not a lifeline
Cut me off

Reece @R0botSqu1d

Age 20, Non-Binary

United States

Joined on 1/12/18

Exp Points:
1,961 / 2,180
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Vote Power:
5.59 votes
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Police Lieutenant
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B/P Bonus:
3m 22d

Updates and Upcoming

Posted by R0botSqu1d - July 7th, 2024

First up I might not be as active on here in the coming week, my grandfather had passed on this last Friday, July 5th, and with the pain of losing a loved one as well as the funeral planning on top of it mixed with my mental health just not being the greatest, I don't foresee myself being very active socially. I still plan on working on art, music, and animations because it's a fun passion for me and I feel having something unrelated to do can help me get thru this, but I don't plan on really being "active" while I process it all. With that being said, I plan on uploading an animation sometime this morning that I made a couple of weeks ago that I find funny, and I would also like to unfold my plans for my various projects!

Old Skool

So my big animation project I've been doing for a few months now is almost complete! Im shooting for a late July release, but I only have the ending to mix the voices for and animate, then the entire project to do sound design for and then it will finally be completed! I learned a lot with animation since I started last October, and this project really highlights that. My estimate for the run time is roughly 15(ish) minutes, and I'm very proud of my progress in my animation endeavors! It will also be nice to finally have an updated version of what I'm able to do on my NG, much to the chagrin of my earlier work being some of the only references of my animation on this site lol

New Music

I've recorded some music I have been sitting on since I recorded and I plan on getting around to uploading them sometime this summer, they're all oriented around skate punk, but one features a xylophone in the bridge (for some reason lol)


A lot of the drawings I've been working on have been collab related, but I've also been working on some drawings that originated from sketches that Im excited to upload once I finish, a majority of them feature Buncon (the working name for that character, and also the only character I've seem to been drawing lately lol)

Collabs and Other Projects

One of the projects I'm most excited for is an animated music video for the band BOTG! I'm stoked I was asked to work on it and be given the chance to animate my first music video! It's currently still being worked on and is the stage of animatic, but I'm really excited for a lot of the different shots and visuals, and I am very anticipatory to work on it

Collabs- I've recently gotten into doing collabs as you may have noticed and I've currently made a list of all the ones I'm interested in doing or that seemed fun to work on. The list is 17 bullet points long and spans out to late November, so here and there you'll find me doing various collabs

Thank you all for the support I've gotten so far on everything, it really means a lot to me! No matter what life throws at me I'm going to keep creating things, this world can't tear me down.




I'm so sorry for your loss. And I sympathize with mixed mental health. It's why I wasn't so active during 2022-2023...it really does hit hard. I wish all the best for you and please, take the time you need. Sometimes a nice break fixes it.

Thank you for your condolences, I really appreciate your kind words! Mental health can really be a challenge, and I hope that you've been doing better since then. Some days are certainly better than others and somedays I'm able to get more done on various projects, but Im also trying to be easier on myself, honestly a nice break does help a good amount.